
Personal data: Ilushin Evgen ,was born on December 18 ,1979 ,single ,e-mail :,       phone  380 3122 544-40

Education:Bachelor's diploma with distinction .Before it 4 years in Uzghorod State Institute on "computer sciences" faculty.Before it 2 years in Uzhgorod Natural-Humanitarian collage on "computer sciences" faculty.

Experience:Uzhgorod department of SaveBank, central technical department, engineer on software and hardware support, 01.08.1999-01.12.1999."Request" ltd , engineer on software and hardware support , WEB-designer,programmer,01.12.1999-01.08.2001

Additional information:Good level of  English, good level of technical English. Basic level of Chech. Basic German.


Technical summary

Operating systems: Windows NT(1 year) ,Windows 95(2 years),Windows 98 (2years), Windows 2000(1 year),MS DOS (2 years).

UNIX (Linux,FreeBSD) 6 months.


Basic,C/C++,Pascal,Turbo Pascal,FoxPro(2 years)

I took part in the research conference with a report "Mathematical modeling of Physical processes".Program for this conference was written in C++

C++ Builder(2 years)

I've made a term paper named "C++ Builder as an instrument of  visual programming".

HTML,Java,JavaScript (1 year)

I've made two reports named:

-"Java and client/server applications";

-"Modern methods of WEB-designing";


Basic knolage of  XML,UML.

Perfect knowlage of MS Word/Excel/Access,Corel Draw.

I have experience in PhotoShop,Flash.


Excelent knowlage of hardware, good knowlage of network engineering.


I'm easily trained, very sociable ,vigorous ,I can organize my working day ,very responsible to my duties , punctual.